Monday, January 2, 2012

12 years ago..


I can't believe you are 12 years old now. It feels like just yesterday that you were born. You were born so small 1lb 13oz, can't remember how long you were. Just remember being told that your skin was so thin that they could see it and that you fit in the palm of your daddy's hand. You had to stay in the hospital until you got big enough to come home.

I remember when I would try to put you to bed, you never wanted to be put down. You loved being held, we had to play the same song over and over. Sometimes by Britney Spears. I think it is the only song I can stand of hers, so many great memories with it.

You are such a blessing, I couldn't imagine a world without you. You always know how to make me smile. You still love to have your back rubbed, and you try to make me sing to you. Even though I can't sing you still want it. You are a bit crazy, but I love you anyways.

You have grown up so much, I remember when I used to let you win at games. Now I'm lucky if I can convince you to let me win a game or two. Always be yourself. You always help kids that are being picked on, even if it means that you get bullied also. You put others first. You try to be the best big brother you can, and we understand if you slip up sometimes.. Being the oldest is hard.

I love you so much,

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