Ok.. so the first real post of 2012 will be a closure to 2011.
So much has happened.. strangely remembering a bit of it.. just not dates I guess. I don't remember exactly what I did for New Years 2011.. I think I actually babysat for Paul and Kim.
I was living at Gloria's at that time.. I think things were still ok too.
April when Gloria went to the states for a couple weeks is when things turned bad.. Ray became a complete jerk. That is when I started spending a lot of time at my sister's. I can't remember when I got my tattoo.. Maybe it was April or May.. not sure. It was around this time also that I went off my meds, I remember feeling craptastic.
End of August was VBS- which went pretty well. I think there would maybe be a few things I would change.. but I must say it went well. Sarah and I started asking teens who would be interested in going to ATF, at first the only person that really showed interest was Sam.
I think this is around the same time things at Gloria's went crazy.. I ended up going to Sarah's for a week or two while Gloria was away.- helped Brad and Sarah do the roof, it was pretty amazing. I am not big on heights so kinda had to learn to really TRUST Sarah and Brad. I really enjoyed being with them. Didn't feel so alone.
Sept I was back at Gloria's things were really rocky.. I had went to Georgian and set up classes and everything hoping to go back to school, ended up missing a lot of classes because of depression. Dropped out and spent my time searching online for new places to live.
I found a place online and it looked/sound perfect, so I emailed the person and turned out being a person I knew from school. It was perfect, and even better I got onto D.. and felt like for once things were going to be ok.
ACQUIRE THE FIRE!!!! Such an amazing experinece. We started out back in August with only really one teen interested in going, but when we left for the trip we had 4 teens and 3adults (haha yes I am an adult) I had such a great time. God really blessed us that weekend. He spoke to me.
I am having difficulties getting words out.. so I will post more later..