Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This is what happens when you find yourself bored.. with a paper plate, glue, food colouring and your camera lol.

First Post!

So I created this blog in the hopes of it being different then every other time I tried to journal/ blog.

This one is going to be different Its gunna be a blog/photo blog. A place for me to post my photos and maybe eventually post about my feelings also. So here is to a new start!

These photos are strangely actually a bunch of straws that I found in my room lol I know weird but don't ask. I was slightly hyper/manicish and Yeah lol..

The first one is a straight on look kinda it shows down the straw lol.

I like the seconds one except it really shows me how dusty my room is.. lol It almost looks like a ball too sorta :S yeahh I dunno lol

The third photo my sister says they look like little test tubeys or something you'd find at a bar.. I wouldn't know lol never been.

Fourth Picture is after I cut the straws in half lol.. this is before I attempted to spell out I LOVE YOU lol.. Yeah Five am photos session is kinda weird but meh.

Imaginative Photograper? (not sure I like it lol)